Holiday After Hours
(Members only)
Business Networking
5:30 - 7:30pm, Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Lane Powell 601 S.W. Second Ave, Suite 2100, Portland OR 97204
This year, Lane Powell will generously host JASO's Holiday After Hours event. There is no registration fee. Celebrate the holiday season with friends old and new while enjoying delicious refreshments.
Bring a business colleague or friend with you also, and get to know other JASO members.
Total attendance is limited to 60 people.
There will be many raffle prizes so please be ready to purchase some tickets to win. We look forward to seeing you there.
Register Here
今年のJASOホリデーアフターアワーズイベントはLane Powellで行われます。ダウンタウンポートランドの素晴らしい夜景を見ながら楽しいひと時を過ごしませんか。
今年はLane Powellのサポートにより参加費はございません。素晴らしいラッフルプライズも準備しております。どうぞ同僚の方やお友達をお誘い合わせの上お越しくださいませ。
人数に制限がございますのでお早めにお申し込みください。 Thank you to our host Lane Powell and everyone who donated raffle prizes.
If you have any question, please contact us at 503-552-8811.