Join us as we open up our textbooks and practice Japanese together in conversation based around traveling and vacationing in Japan. We have 2 in-person classes this term. Term runs for 8 weeks with 75-minute classes, from Tuesday April 22 to June 10. Ito-sensei is a well-qualified, experienced Japanese language instructor.
Class TV1 is for absolute beginners (or those with a little self-study only). You have not had the opportunity to speak out loud or practice any study with others or a teacher. You don't recognize the hiragana or katakana alphabets. This class takes place Tuesdays in-person at our office in downtown Portland from 5:30-6:45pm. (3/27 update - only 2 spaces remain!)
We will study Chapters 1 & 2 of the Genki 1 - 3rd edition textbook and workbook.
Class TV2 is for improving beginners. You must have completed our TV1 Course, or if not, be prepared to show that you recognize and can say words written in both hiragana and katakana with some speed and confidence, before class starts. You have some ability to speak simple sentences out loud, with confidence. This class takes place Tuesdays in-person at our office in downtown Portland from 7-8:15pm.
We will study Chapters 3 & 4 of the Genki 1 - 3rd edition textbook and workbook.
Note: additional costs - JASO Membership (from $33/yr), Genki 1 3rd edition textbook and workbook (around $65). You must purchase membership AND textbook AND workbook in advance of first class.
Refund Policy
Course will run with minimum 4 students signing up. 10 maximum. If course does not run, 100% of fees refunded. Cancellation after April 13, no refund if your cancellation causes numbers to drop below 4 in total. 50% refund otherwise. Refund processed after classes start. We will communicate with you as sign-up windows close regarding number of sign-ups.
We understand business people sometimes have work commitments that cause them to miss class. Many students end up missing 1 or 2 classes because of work commitments. We price these classes affordably to take this into consideration. We do not give refunds because “work became busy”.
Japan-America Society of Oregon is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1810, Portland, OR 97204