富山県(又は富山県出身)の大学生や短大生の皆さん、オレゴン州の大学生とオンライン上で英語と日本で交流してみませんか。このイベントはオレゴン州の大学に通い、日本語を学習している学生たちが日本語でスピーチをするコンテストです。今年で28回目となり、優勝者は富山県を訪問します。富山県の大学生のみなさん、そして、Oregon-Toyama Connectionのみなさんも大歓迎です。
We are welcoming observers from Toyama Prefecture and Oregon. Look forward to seeing you. Speech Contest is sponsored by the Toyama Prefectural Government in celebration of the Toyama-Oregon Sister State affiliation. 1996 marked the first Toyama Cup, commemorating the 5th year anniversary of the friendship between the peoples of Oregon and Toyama. 2021 marked the 30th Anniversary of the Toyama-Oregon Sister State relationship.
The Toyama Cup is open to any student studying Japanese at a college or university in the State of Oregon and SW Washington. Contestants are judged on general Japanese language ability, speech content and presentation. Contestants compete in two divisions: Each contestant will give a 3-5 minute speech followed by a question in Japanese by one of our judges. There will be a networking time as well.
More information about Toyama Cup is here.
Japan-America Society of Oregon is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1810, Portland, OR 97204