Online registration for tonight's event is now closed.We do not accept registration at the door. If you wish to attend, call 503-552-8813 before 2pm with your CC details available. Thank you.
名実ともに世界一の日本酒ブランド、白鶴酒造の嘉納健二社長と、その子会社で、1992年以来ここOregonでお酒の醸造を営むSake Oneの Steve Vuylsteke社長をお招きし、日本酒普及の全米そして世界展開についてお話して頂きます。会の最後には白鶴、Sake Oneの試飲をお楽しみ頂きます。
Mr. Kano is joined by Steve Vuylsteke, President and CEO of SakéOne, one of the largest producers of saké, and distributor of Hakutsuru, in the USA.
After our presentation enjoy tasting four different Hakutsuru and SakéOne sakés, along with delicious sushi appetizers from Sho Restaurant, all included in the registration fee.
This event is supported by:
Japan-America Society of Oregon is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1810, Portland, OR 97204